Author: julianaPage 7 of 19

Jack De Govia, Untitled, 1967

Pro Arts, Jeasus Peace, 1969

Pro Arts, Untitled, 1970

Pro Arts, Wars Are Not Healthy, 1969

Howard Bernstein, Untitled, 1969

B. Kliban, Street Scene, 1967

Hump, Dark Ages, 1968

Unknown Author, Johnny Potseed, 1969

Joe Carey, Repeal the Draft, 1969

Unknown Author, Benefit for the Ali Akbar College, 1969

Saichi Kawahara, America Needs Indians, 1969

Unknown Author, Untitled, 1967

Unknown Author, Power Plant, 1968

John Mompson, The Kingdom of Heaven is Within You, 1968

B. Kliban, Untitled, 1967

Unknown Author, I Think Therefore I am, 1968

Hump, The Big Sur Light and Power Crusade, 1968

Hump, India/The Key, 1968

Unknown Author, Resist The Draft, 1968

Unknown Author, Denocarlo Naval Base – Muir Beach Concert, 1968,

Unknown Author, If LSD, Mescaline, Psilocybin, Morning Glory Seeds, DMT, etc., Were Available, How Would One Use Them?, 1965

RAL Cards etc., Untitled, 1966

Unknown Author, On The Summer Solstice 1968 San Francisco Will Enter Into Eternity, 1968,

Solinsky, Untitled, 1967

Paul Hawken, Dance of Death, 1966

Unknown Author, Second Annual Parade of the Holy Rathayatra Festival, 1968,

Charles Brandon, Untitled, 1968

Ralston 3, Vernal Equinox, 1968

Clayton Pinkerton, Oops!, 1968

Miriam Zizmor, Purple Heart, 1968

Robert Oliver, Vicious Circle, 1968

Hobo Graphics, Festival of Life, 1968

Unknown Author, Wayne Morse and the United States Senate November 5, 1968

Unknown Author, Peace & Freedom Concert, 1968

Allston & Milvia, Pre-Erection Day Party: Yippie!, 1968

Ruth Garbell, Untitles, 1966

Ruth Garbell, Danse Macabre, 1967

Ruth Garbell, Untitled, 1967

Eli Leon, Visit University of California Berkeley Centennial 1868-1968, 1968

Eli Leon, Free University of Berkeley Autumn ’68, 1968

Bob Branaman, Untitled, 1966

Bob Branaman, Follow the Dotted Cross, 1966

Michael Rossman, Untitled, 1966

Ekwan, Pray For Me: Hope Love Life. Mantra For the Summer Wasted, 1966

Cynthia, Vietnam Day Committee Dance, 1966

Unknown Author, Peace Rock Benefit for Tom Storer for Congress, 1966,

Carlson, Untitled, 1967

Unknown Author, Birthday Party: Happy Birthday Bobby, Happy Birthday Tim, 1967,

Unknown Author, Untitled, 1966

Family Blues Van (Chris), Untitled, 1969

Unknown Author, The Dope Circus, 1967

Miranda Bergman, People’s Air Waves, 1970

Unknown Author, Untitled, 1967

Steven F. Kasower, War Changes Us All, 1967

Unknown Author, Peace/Love, 1967

SP/4 Vietnam, Cry Freedom, 1967

Unknown Author, Not Only To Be Loved, 1967

Usher Mompson, A Whiter Shade of Pale, 1967

Unknown Author, Turn On Tune In Take Over, 1967

Unknown Author, Mushroom Lady, 1967

Unknown Author, Superior Acid, 1967

G. Roberts, Untitled, 1966

Unknown Author, Exorcise Your Pentagon, 1967

Unknown Author, Untitled, 1969

Unknown Author, Untitled, 1968

River, Giant Marathon Happening, 1967

Priscilla Amee Kerry, Headquarters East Psychedelic Shop, 1967

Paul Foster, Can You Pass the Acid Test?, 1965

Steve Renick, FD 34, 1966

de Walde, Untitled, 1968

Unknown Author, Thunderfinger, 1967

Larry Stark, FD 123, 1968

Unknown Author, The Human Beings Yoga Art Center, 1967

Unknown Author, An Evening of Political Satire, 1966

Unknown Author, Untitled, 1967

Ronnie Goldman, Untitled, 1967

Unknown Author, Untitled, 1967

Unknown Author, March to End the War in Vietnam, 1967

Unknown Author, Untitled, 1967

McNeill & Stoval, Untitled, 1968

Unknown Author, [The] Great Society, 1967

Unknown Author, Untitled, 1967

Unknown Author, Out Now: Stop the Bombing, 1967

Asen, Morrison for Mayor, 1967

Sherm, Simon Says, 1967

Kaleidoscope Studios, A Benefit for Vietnam Summer San Fran, 1967

Janice Speck, Journey to Kigali, 1967

Michael Hubbard, Untitled, 1967

Charles Tilghman, Untitled, 1966

Chas Fleischman, Benefit Vietnam Summer, 1967

Chas Fleischman

Royce Vauhgan, Untitled, 1966

Graphoto, The Only Indian America Ever Gave a Damn About, 1970

Graphoto by Noggle, God Save the Seeds, 1969

Tom Wilkes, Untitled, 1967

Tom Wilkes, Monterrey International Pop Festival, 1967

Crazy Arab, Untitled, 1968

Unknown Author, Untitled, 1967

Pat Hanks, BG 232A, 1970

Pat Hanks & David Singer, BG 230, 1970